Learn from the Experts: Essential HPTLC Techniques and Strategies for Complex Sample Matrices
Recordings of HPTLC Association North America Chapter Online User meeting August 1, 2023
HPTLC Association North America Chapter, HPTLC Online User Meeting 2023 of August 1, 2023
Learn from the Experts: Essential HPTLC Techniques and Strategies for Complex Sample Matrices
As many in the dietary supplement and herbal medicine industry know, the regulatory environment is changing. Now more than ever, there is a need to confirm mixtures and ensure identity.
Even for experts who are not in the dietary supplement industry, the presentations are interesting and enlightening. The same techniques can be applied to forensic, pharmaceutical, food and environmental samples.
Sidney Sudberg of Alkemist outlined a technique for identifying elderberries in a complex matrix that is helping to focus the FDA's increased attention on post-manufacture formulation testing.
Detection and identification of Elderberry in a finished good by HPTLC; An innovative approach and demonstration of experimental design.
Detection and identification of botanical ingredients in finished goods is often challenging. Due to its scientifically valid methodology, fit-for-purpose, power, and simplicity, HPTLC offers what other methods cannot easily replicate, because of its flexible experimental design and versatility.
HPTLC is used to deconstruct and reconstruct a gummy finished product, containing multiple ingredients, for the purpose of identification and to indicate the presence of Elderberry in a multi-component finished product. The approach will describe the process for detection of Elderberry that demonstrates the presence of this botanical with specificity and selectivity
James Kababick of Flora Research Laboratories has presented on a topic that is challenging for many, which is making a call on identity when a rogue band is present.
Making the call on botanical identity: When your sample profile doesn’t match the botanical reference profile.
Many analysts struggle with making a call on identity when the sample profile is not an exact band-for-band match to the reference profile. There are many reasons this can occur, and the difference can indicate adulteration or might just be inherent variance. These can be the most difficult calls to make, and historically, an experienced expert would have to be called on to make the interpretation. Today, there are a multitude of tools and resources available to help less experienced analysts make the call in real time. In this session, you will learn some systematic approaches to interpretation and how additional HPTLC tools and techniques can make the difference. Learn how choosing the right reference materials, preparing them correctly and accessing additional resources on your HPTLC platform can empower you to do better science.
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