The series of HPTLC ONLINE USER MEETINGS starting spring 2022
On March 17, 2022, join the first of a series of HPTLC Online User Meetings hosted by the International HPTLC Association.
In case you want to find out:
- more about the practical advantages of HPTLC,
- how colleagues successfully use High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography and what analytical goals they achieve with it,
- how fellow scientists create these great, beautiful, and extremely usable HPTLC chromatograms, and how you can do the same,
- where you can build up comprehensive know-how in the field of HPTLC,
- where you finally can live ask experts your questions.
Get insights
The HPTLC Association proudly announces the “HPTLC Online User Meeting” series to be held quarterly on a professional on-line platform starting this spring.
Goal of the meetings is to facilitate a worldwide exchange of knowledge between HPTLC users and to share the spirit of working in an exciting analytical field!
1st HPTLC Online User Meeting, hosted by the HPTLC Association
Organized by the North America Chapter.
17 March 2022 | 15:00 (GMT) | 16:00 (CET) | 08:00 (PDT) | 11:00 (EDT)
Duration 2 hrs
- Testing raw materials for quality and purity with HPTLC - Brittany Brodziski, Nature’s Way
- HPTLC separation and detection of common hallucinogenic tryptamines - Kelsey Paterson, Cedar Crest College
- HPTLC and MS screening of active compounds in traditional medicine - Dr. Sidney Sudberg, Alkemist Labs
Who should attend?
This exclusive free-to-attend virtual event is for HPTLC newbies, the experienced, old hands and all HPTLC users who deal with HPTLC daily, irregularly, rarely, intensively. For people who want to know more about the simplicity, coolness and beauty, and practical use of High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography.
How can you participate?
The HPTLC Online User Meetings hosted by the international HPTLC Association are taking place on SelectScience®, a professional platform to promote scientists and their work, accelerating the communication and advancement of successful science. The meetings are sponsored by CAMAG, World Leader in Planar Chromatography.
On March 17, 2022, join the first of a series of HPTLC Online User Meetings hosted by the International HPTLC Association.
Enroll free on the SelectScience® Registration page
Meet the speakers and representatives from the HPTLC Association
Take the opportunity to engage in discussions with speakers, colleagues, and representatives from the HPTLC Association in a moderated Zoom meeting, scheduled immediately after the main event. A separate registration for the Zoom meeting is not required – an access link will be sent to all registrants of the main event.
The HPTLC Association is looking forward to welcome you to the HPTLC User Online Meetings.
Don’t miss out and thanks in advance for joining!
Alireza Ghannadi
- March 18, 2022 at 23:21A QUICH QUESTION
Hello there,
I am very interested in the 1st HPTLC Online User Meeting, hosted by the HPTLC Association
Organized by the North America Chapter. It was held on17 March 2022 | 15:00 (GMT) | 16:00 (CET) | 08:00 (PDT) | 11:00 (EDT) and I missed it unfortunately. How can I see or listen to the following topics that presented in this meeting? Please advise. The email address is: aghannadi@yahoo.com
Testing raw materials for quality and purity with HPTLC - Brittany Brodziski, Nature’s Way
HPTLC separation and detection of common hallucinogenic tryptamines - Kelsey Paterson, Cedar Crest College
HPTLC and MS screening of active compounds in traditional medicine - Dr. Sidney Sudberg, Alkemist Labs
valerie dupanloup
- March 03, 2022 at 09:14meeting registration
Will the meetings be recorded in order to be viewed later?
Thank you
Valérie Dupanloup
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